


Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Furry Friends

The season of giving is upon us, and it's not just our human loved ones who deserve a little extra love and attention. Our faithful furry friends, with their wagging tails and adorable antics, bring boundless joy into our lives. This Christmas, why not show them how much they mean to you with thoughtful and [...]

By | December 15th, 2023|Pet|Comments Off on Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Furry Friends

Adopting a Puppy for the Holidays? How to Pet-Proof Your Home from Toxic Plants

Adopting a Puppy for the Holidays? How to Pet-Proof Your Home from Toxic Plants The holiday season is a popular time for bringing a new puppy into the family. While the joy and excitement are undeniable, it's crucial to prepare your home for your new furry friend's arrival. One area that often goes overlooked is [...]

By | November 29th, 2023|Pet|Comments Off on Adopting a Puppy for the Holidays? How to Pet-Proof Your Home from Toxic Plants

Winter Paw Care: How to Keep Your Pet’s Paws Safe and Cozy

As winter's icy grip is near, our pets rely on us to keep them safe and comfortable in the cold. While we often think of wrapping them up in warm blankets, one area we can't overlook is their paws. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of protecting your pet's paws during winter and [...]

By | October 26th, 2023|Pet|Comments Off on Winter Paw Care: How to Keep Your Pet’s Paws Safe and Cozy

What Cattlemen Need to Know About Their Twins

Freemartin heifer is a condition that all cattlemen should be familiar with. It is a condition that leads to infertility, and it occurs when a heifer calf is born twin to a bull calf. Essentially, a freemartin heifer is a cow that has an improperly developed reproductive tract, making it incapable of becoming pregnant. This [...]

By | October 18th, 2023|Cattle|Comments Off on What Cattlemen Need to Know About Their Twins

Durvet Recipes: Peanut Butter and Banana Pup Treats

Did someone say Trick or Treat?! There is no better way to show your neighborhood furry friends extra love on Halloween than making a fresh batch of homemade treats. These mouth-watering, peanut butter, banana and oatmeal treats are sure to be a hit! Your furry friends deserves the best, especially when it comes to food. [...]

By | October 5th, 2023|Durvet Culture and Marketing, Pet, Recipes|Comments Off on Durvet Recipes: Peanut Butter and Banana Pup Treats

Customer Product Testimonial: DuraZyme Paste for Calves

“This past spring calving season, DuraZyme Paste for Calves saved a calf for us.  A cow calved a heifer calf… so we thought. When we went out to check cows, we only saw one calf with her and just figured that was her only calf. The next day when checking cows, we noticed another calf [...]

By | September 26th, 2023|Cattle, Farm and Home|Comments Off on Customer Product Testimonial: DuraZyme Paste for Calves

Navigating the Feathers: An Easy Approach to Chicken Molting

Are your feathery friends looking a bit… bald? Don’t fret! Molting season is upon us – the time when chickens shed their old feathers to make way for the new ones as they prepare for the colder weather ahead. This time can take a toll on egg production as well as your flock’s comfort level. [...]

By | September 13th, 2023|Poultry, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on Navigating the Feathers: An Easy Approach to Chicken Molting

Making Your Pet’s Golden Years Shine

September is Senior Pet Wellness Month and is the perfect time to celebrate our older furry friends. As much as we adore our young, playful pups and kittens, our senior pets are just as lovable and, in many ways, more relatable. They may not be as active or energetic as they once were, but their [...]

By | August 31st, 2023|Pet, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on Making Your Pet’s Golden Years Shine

Sales Pro 2023: A Kansas City Success

Sales Pro, Durvet’s annual training conference, has been a growing event for the past two decades. Durvet takes pride in its mission and values of serving its members and designed the event to enhance product knowledge and sales enterprise. Sales Pro is an avenue to accomplish this by providing opportunities to learn and grow, consistently [...]

By | August 7th, 2023|Durvet Culture and Marketing|Comments Off on Sales Pro 2023: A Kansas City Success

10 Jaw-Dropping Facts About Sheep

Sheep are a unique species of domesticated animal often raised for wool, meat or milk production. Similar to cattle and goats, they are a ruminant mammal with four compartments to their stomach. Contrary to what you may have heard, sheep are very intelligent animals with many unique characteristics. Read more fun facts about these animals [...]

By | May 16th, 2023|Farm and Home, Sheep and Goat, Supportive Therapies and Vitamins|Comments Off on 10 Jaw-Dropping Facts About Sheep